Remembering Lane Brian Betts
December 30, 1961 – January 12, 2004
Please email Photos, Scrapbookings, Stories, Thoughts and “Lane Quotes” to

● Hi, Really shocking to hear of Lane’s passing the other day. All his friends at Hatch were in disbelief and saddened to hear the news. Here are some interesting photos of Lane’s “work” at Hatch. We were making a ‘human performance tools’ video. All cast members from our HP dept. In “Cast” photo, (l to r) in back: Lamar L./gofer, David D./Spock, David H./security, Lane Betts/Capt. Kirk, John C./Dr. McCoy, front row: Dion P./Mr. Sulu, Tim T./director, Gwen J./Uhura, Steve C./Scotty. Post these on your website; may show yet another side of Lane. David D.

● I only got to meet Lane briefly here at VT Yankee when he worked RFO 23 in 2002. I could tell he was a real sweetheart of a man. Others here who worked with Lane more closely rave about what a great man he was. We are all sad over his passing. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Sincerely, Mary E., Entergy Nuclear VT Yankee, Chemistry Dept.
● I attended Calvary while growing up … he will so missed. I always thought of him as a big brother and Lisa was so good about “sharing” him with me. When I think of Lane, the first thing that comes to me was his fantastic smile and his enthusiasm for the Lord. “Be on FIRE!!” he used to say, I always looked up to him for how he turned his life around and used his experiences to help others. Although I haven’t seen him in some years now, I still considered him a big brother. My heart goes out to his family and friends … Take care and once again, thank-you for creating such a tribute to Lane…Amy
● Dear Mr. & Mrs. Betts,
On very, very rare occasions during your lifetime, you cross paths with a person that you feel is special in some way. I had the opportunity to meet Lane while working in Michigan, at DC Cook just recently. I want to say thank you and thank God for bringing Lane into this world. He was one of the very, very few people that have ever been an inspiration in my life. I only knew him for a short period of time but I will remember him for the rest of my life. The way he talked about his family was what I admired most about him. He was very dedicated to, and was very much in love with his wife and his children. He also seemed to have a great passion for life and for helping people. As I said previously, I didn’t know Lane for a very long period of time but yet I felt that I had known him for my entire life. I can assure you, as you already know, that God has great plans for him. I will look forward to seeing and talking to Lane again soon, and I will miss him tremendously until the day I do. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family and I know that God knows what is best and he is watching over you all. Please accept this meager gift. I know it isn’t much but I just wanted to give something to help in some way. Sincerely, Jeff O.

● Bradenton Herald Newspaper; written by Mrs. Tomi Betts: Jan 2004
To All who knew and loved Lane Brian Betts:
My husband will always be missed! But I have seven wonderful children to look at everyday and see him. I am glad he is enjoying his “Java with Jesus” sessions while he asks him all the questions he has wanted answered for so long. Words escape me that would truly express my gratitude to all of you. Your love for our family has carried me. I want to thank you for the exhortations that help me to keep a holy, eternal perspective in dealing with the release of Lane as he has been transformed from body to spirit. How cool is that!! And is it not what we have all desired for so long; to see His face and be in His presence for all eternity! What a glorious truth! Special love and thanks to Robert and Ruth Betts, as he is their son. Special love and thanks for Mrs. Lisa Whaley and Mr. Christopher Betts as he is their brother. There are no words to define the word family except it be demonstrated to the glory of God in love, unity and compassion, as they have given unto me. To my church family of believers – God bless you for the spiritual, moral and financial support you have provided. It is well with my soul because the ambassadors of Christ the Messiah chose to walk with me through this page in the book of my life. I will never forget the out pouring of provision that the Lord has given me through you. I have good days and slow days, yet I abide all the same to the truth that He carries me and is my strength all the more when I am weak. Lane’s memories are as fresh as ever because he was so lively, and ambitious. One day, we will see him again and l will behold him as the friend, lover and husband he was to me. So now my brethren, keep us in your prayers as other challenges awaken daily and be of good courage! Love your spouse today as if you will not have them tomorrow and may the peace of God surround you and your household in all things.